Esferik bioreactor konpayi asirans
Deskripsyon Product
Spherical Microcarrier
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Si ou vle jwenn echantiyon gratis ak nenpòt lòt kesyon, tanpri kite yon mesaj oswa voye yon imèl pou kontakte nou!
Li ka efikasman epi tou senpleman separe materyèl kilti ak selil, rekòt. pwodwi yo, ak reyalize kilti perfusion oswa kilti koule kontinyèl.
Li ka kiltive nan gwo-echèl bioreactors brase, bioreactors jetab ak flakon souke bay ase sifas pou kwasans selil.
High zòn / rapò volim ak selil segondè dansite.
Anplifikasyon selilè fasil. Selil yo ka dijere nan konpayi asirans lan ak Lè sa a, vaksinen nan yon nouvo konpayi asirans, oswa nouvo konpayi asirans lan ka ajoute dirèkteman pou reyalize kilti ekspansyon "boul-a-boul". __@C100050
Cell Desk1
Cell Desk1
Cell Desk1
Cell Desk11 kg/bottle
Cell Desk1
5 kg/bottle
1.KESYON: Vaksen kouwòn ki pa nouvo, ki sèvi ak flak epi ki sèvi ak pòtè esferik
REPONS: Pa gen okenn klasifikasyon absoli. Tou de vektè yo ka itilize pou kiltivasyon selil aderan yo. Pou benefis ekonomik, viris ki resevwa kontinyèlman, tankou viris laraj ak viris lafyèv pòsin, sèvi ak vektè fèy; lòt viris yo sèvi ak vektè esferik. Yo detèmine itilizasyon dra oswa transpò esferik dapre ekipman yo ak pwosesis2.KESYON: Ki pousantaj ogmantasyon nan pwodiksyon lòt vaksen yo? Èske gen done sipò?
REPONS: Ou pa ka sèvi ak li sèlman si ou gen pou amelyore. Konpayi asirans fèy la ak konpayi asirans lan esferik se jis yon fason yo elaji kiltivasyon nan pwodwi final la, ki nesesè pou kiltivasyon gwo echèl.
1.QUESTION: Non-new crown vaccines, which use flakes and which use spherical carriers
ANSWER: There is no absolute classification. Both vectors can be used for the cultivation of adherent cells. For economic benefits, viruses that are received continuously, such as rabies virus and swine fever virus, use sheet vectors; other viruses use spherical vectors. The use of sheet carriers or spherical carriers is determined according to their equipment and process
2.QUESTION: What is the percentage increase in the production of other vaccines? Is there data support?
ANSWER: You can’t use it only if you have to improve. The sheet carrier and the spherical carrier are just a way to expand the cultivation of the final product, which is necessary for large-scale cultivation.
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