
Wed May 18 17:20:23 CST 2022

細胞培養は細胞クローニング技術とも呼ばれ、in vitroで内部環境(無菌、適切な温度、pH、特定の栄養状態など)をシミュレートして、その主要構造を存続、成長、再生、維持する方法を指します。と機能。細胞増殖に必要な条件を達成するには、細胞の消耗品が必要です。 細胞培養フラスコは一般的に使用されるタイプです。


What are the characteristics of cell culture flasks

細胞培養フラスコのキャップは密閉キャップとフィルターキャップに分けられます。シーリングキャップは気密培養によく使用され、ボトルキャップを緩めると培養を開きます。フィルターカバーはオープンカルチャーに適しています。 0.2umの疎水性フィルターメンブレンがカバーに取り付けられ、ガス交換プロセス中の交差感染の可能性を回避します。二酸化炭素インキュベーター培養、特に長期培養が必要な実験に一般的に推奨されます。


The FAI climbed 5.9 percent year-on-year in the first 11 months of 2018, quickening from the 5.7-percent growth in Jan-Oct, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Friday in an online statement.

The key indicator of investment, dubbed a major growth driver, hit the bottom in August and has since started to rebound steadily.

In the face of emerging economic challenges home and abroad, China has stepped up efforts to stabilize investment, in particular rolling out measures to motivate private investors and channel funds into infrastructure.

Friday's data showed private investment, accounting for more than 60 percent of the total FAI, expanded by a brisk 8.7 percent.

NBS spokesperson Mao Shengyong said funds into weak economic links registered rapid increases as investment in environmental protection and agriculture jumped 42 percent and 12.5 percent respectively, much faster than the average.

In breakdown, investment in high-tech and equipment manufacturing remained vigorous with 16.1-percent and 11.6-percent increases respectively in the first 11 months. Infrastructure investment gained 3.7 percent, staying flat. Investment in property development rose 9.7 percent, also unchanged.